Sunday, April 19, 2009

NAA Conference on Algae

National Algae Association

Houston, Texas

Thursday, April 30

Welcome, Introductions and Overview on Algae by Barry Cohen, director of the NAA

Two Semester Curriculum update by Charles Bensinger NAA Director of Education

Algae Strains - Peter Kipp, NAA Director of Science and Technology

"Optimizing Lipid Production of Planktonic Algae Using FlowCAM Technology" -
Maria Stockenreiter, University of Munich

Breakout Sessions/Results - Will Thurmond, Emerging Markets Online

Supercritical CO2 - Brad Ulrich, MOR Technologies

Closed-end Loop Vertical Photobioreactor Demonstration - Hugh Morris, GRO-PEC
(*must sign NDA prior to viewing)

Closed-end Loop Horizontal Photobioreactor - ALGAELINK, Peter van den Dorpel

Multiple Level Raceway - Tian Kian Wee, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

OriginOil - T Riggs Eckelberry

"The Past, Present and Future of Algae Production" - Robin L. Ore, Femtobeam

New high powered laser to identify aquatic bacteria that feed on healthy algal
cells - Jim Mulry, Guava Technologies

"Next Generation Energy" - Ariel Martinez, Cellana

3rd Generation Renewable Fuels competition - Matt Peak, Prize Capital

Friday, May 1

"Converting Algae to Food and Fuel" - David Johnston, Aquatic Energy

"Algae Pro Closed Loop Photobioreactor" - Dennis Fisher, BioCentrics

"FlowCAM Instrumentation for Monitoring Algae for Biofuel Production"

Kent Peterson, Fluid Imaging

Various Algae Growing Equipment - Bob Wheeler, Aquatic Eco-SystemsCentrifuges

Don Konuszewski, B&P Processors

Alternate Uses of Algae Residues Remaining after Biodiesel Production

Dr. Louis Landesman, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia State University

VGA Solar Algae Production System: A New System Design for Combined Growing And
"Harvesting Algae Utilizing Flue Gas" - William A. Walsh, Jr., VGA Nozzle

"Policy Implications of Success with Algae and Why it's Vital that the US be a
Leader" - Congressman H Teague (D-NM)


A preliminary agenda for the conference will be available on the Association's
website,, along with registration information.
For further information: 936.321.1125

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