Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chesapeake Bay's health not improving

Report: Chesapeake Bay's health not improving
The Associated Press • March 19, 2009

WASHINGTON — A report finds the overall health of the Chesapeake Bay did not improve last year, despite increased restoration efforts.

An annual study on the nation’s largest estuary released Thursday by the Chesapeake Bay Program found that the bay continues to have poor water quality and degraded habitats. The report cited pollutants caused by agriculture and suburban runoff.

The report found that the population of the bay’s hallmark blue crabs declined last year to 120 million, a decrease of 23 million from 2007.

There was some good news, however. There was an 18 percent increase in underwater bay grasses from 2007. The grasses are important because they filter excess nutrients from the water and provide habitat and food for fish.

The lack of improvement is inspite of introduction of Nutrient trading in Pennsylvania to reduce Nutrient level in the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay.

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