Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Books about Algae, Diatoms, Phycology, etc.

A few books on Algae, Diatoms, Phycology, etc.

The Algal Bowl: Overfertilization of the World's Freshwaters and Estuaries
David W. Schindler and John R. Vallentyne

The greatest threat to water quality worldwide is nutrient pollution. Eutrophication by nutrients in sewage, fertilizers and detergents is feeding massive algal blooms in rivers, lakes and estuaries, choking out aquatic life and outpacing heavy metals, oil spills and other toxins in the devastation wrought upon the world's fresh waters.Renowned water scientists, David W. Schindler and John R. Vallentyne, share their combined 80 years of experience to explain its history and science, and offer real-world solutions for mitigating this catastrophe in the making. A long-awaited replacement for Vallentyne's classic 1974 first edition, Schindler's fully revised edition has been expanded to cover estuaries as well as lakes. It is international in scope, drawing on examples including the North American Great Lakes, the Baltic Sea region in northern Europe and lakes in Asia and Africa.

Diatoms: Biology and Morphology of the Genera
F.E. Round , R.M. Crawford and D.G. Mann

This book presents a wide-ranging introduction to the diatoms together with an illustrated description of over 250 genera. Diatoms are important as perhaps the commonest group of autotrophic plants on earth and are abundant in all waters and on soils and moist surfaces. The introduction describes the diatom cell in detail, the structure of the wall (often extremely beautiful in design), the cell contents and aspects of life cycle and cell division. The generic atlas section is the first account of diatom systematics since 1928 (Karsten in Engler and Prantl: Die Nauturlichen Pflanzenfamilien) and each generic description is accompanied by scanning electron micrographs to show the characteristic structure. Most of the latter have been prepared specially for this work from the authors' own collections. The Diatoms will be the standard reference work on the group for years to come and is an essential reference volume.

Algae: An Introduction to Phycology
Christiaan Van Den Hoek , David Mann and Hans Martin Jahns
Algae are ubiquitous. A multitude of species, ranging from microscopic unicells to gigantic kelps, inhabit the world s oceans, freshwater bodies, soils, rocks and trees. To understand the basic role of algae in the global ecosystem, a reliable and modern introduction to their kaleidoscopic diversity, systematics and phylogeny is indispensible. This volume provides such an introduction. The text represents a completely revised and updated edition of a highly acclaimed German textbook which was heralded for its clarity as well as its breadth and depth of information. This new edition takes into account recent re-evaluations in algal systematics and phylogeny which have been made necessary by insights provided by the powerful techniques of molecular genetics and electron microscopy, as well as more traditional life history studies.

The Ecology of Phytoplankton: (Ecology, Biodiversity And Conservation)
Colin Reynolds
Communities of microscopic plant life, or phytoplankton, dominate the Earth's aquatic ecosystems. This important new book by Colin Reynolds covers the adaptations, physiology and population dynamics of phytoplankton communities in lakes and rivers and oceans. It provides basic information on composition, morphology and physiology of the main phyletic groups represented in marine and freshwater systems and in addition reviews recent advances in community ecology, developing an appreciation of assembly processes, co-existence and competition, disturbance and diversity. Although focussed on one group of organisms, the book develops many concepts relevant to ecology in the broadest sense, and as such will appeal to graduate students and researchers in ecology, limnology and oceanography.

Robert Lee
Phycology is the study of algae, the primary photosynthetic organisms in freshwater and marine food chains. As a food source for zooplankton and filter-feeding shellfish, the algae are an extremely important group. Since the publication of the first edition in 1981, this textbook has established itself as a classic resource on phycology. This revised edition maintains the format of previous editions, whilst incorporating the latest information from nucleic acid sequencing studies. Detailed life-history drawings of algae are presented alongside information on the cytology, ecology, biochemistry, and economic importance of selected genera. Phycology is suitable for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students following courses in phycology, limnology or biological oceanography. Emphasis is placed on those algae that are commonly covered in phycology courses, and encountered by students in marine and freshwater habitats.

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